Getting Started

Welcome! This tutorial highlights FHIR Parser’s core features; for further details, see the links within, or the documentation index which has links to conceptual and API doc sections.


The key class to import is FHIR inside fhir_parser.fhir.

from fhir_parser import FHIR, Patient, Observation
from fhir_parser.patient import Patient, Name, Telecom, Communications, Extension, Identifier
from fhir_parser.observation import Observation, ObservationComponent

Patient Objects

Patients can either be retrieved via their uuid (e.g. 8f789d0b-3145-4cf2-8504-13159edaa747) or a full list of patients can be retrieved. Patients can also be requested one page at a time.

fhir = FHIR()
patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
specific_patient = fhir.get_patient('8f789d0b-3145-4cf2-8504-13159edaa747')
first_page_patients = fhir.get_patient_page(1)

The patient object contains:


The unique identifier for a patient.

> patient.uuid


The name for a patient stored in a patient.Name object. The Name object contains the full name as a string and a list of strings for given names and prefixes. The full name can be accessed with the name.full_name property.

> name =
> name.full_name
'Mr. John Smith'
> name.given


The telecommunication method for a patient stored a list of patient.Telecom objects.

> telecom = patient.telecoms
> first_telecom = telecom[0]
> first_telecom.system
> first_telecom.number
> first_telecom.use


The gender string of the patient.

> patient.gender

Birth Date

The birth date of the patient stored in a object.

> patient.birth_date, 2, 25)


A list of addresses of a patient stored in a patient.Address object. If the latitude and longitude of the location is known then it can be accessed with the latitude and longitude properties. The full postal address can be retrieved with the full_address property.

> address = patient.addresses[0]
> address.full_address
'''506 Herzog Byway Apt 99
Barre, Massachusetts
01005, US'''
> address.lines
['506 Herzog Byway Apt 99']
> address.state
> address.postal_code
> address.latitude
> address.longitude

Marital Status

The marital status of a patient stored in the patient.MarialStatus object, the str method can be used to convert the char into a meaningful string.

> marital = patient.marital_status
> marital.martial_status
> str(marital)
'Never Married'

Multiple Birth

The multiple birth argument stored as a bool, defaults to false when not available.

> patient.multiple_birth


The communication methods or languages spoken by the patient, stored in a single patient.Communications object.

> communications = patient.communications
> communications.languages


The extensions available for a patient, most commonly: us-core-race, us-core-ethnicity, patient-mothersMaidenName, us-core-birthsex, patient-birthPlace, disability-adjusted-life-years, and quality-adjusted-life-years. They can be accessed directly by retrieving the list of patient.Extension objects or more easily by using the get_extension method.

> patient.get_extension('us-core-ethnicity')
'Not Hispanic or Latino'
> patient.extensions
['us-core-race: White', 'us-core-ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino', ...]


The identifiers available for a patient, most commonly: Medical Record Number (MR), Social Security Number (SS), and Driver’s License (DL). They can be accessed directly by retrieving the list of patient.Identifier objects or more easily by using the get_identifier method.

> patient.get_identifier('DL')
> patient.identifiers
['Driver\'s License: S99995899', 'Social Security Number: 999-58-8677', ...]

Observation Objects

A single observation can be retrieved with the it’s uuid or a list of observations for a single patient. Observations for a patient can also be retrieved one page at a time.

fhir = FHIR()
observations = fhir.get_patient_observations('8f789d0b-3145-4cf2-8504-13159edaa747')
specific_observation  = fhir.get_observation('4a064229-2a40-45f4-a259-f4eedcfd525a')
first_page_observations = fhir.get_patient_observations_page('8f789d0b-3145-4cf2-8504-13159edaa747', 1)

The observation object contains:


The unique identifier for an observation.

> observation.uuid


The type of the investigation, typically: vital-signs, survey, or laboratory.

> observation.type


The status of the investigation.

> observation.status

Patient UUID

The unique identifier of the patient tied to the observation.

> observation.patient_uuid

Encounter UUID

The unique identifier of the encounter tied to the observation.

> observation.encounter_uuid

Effective Datetime

The effective datetime of the observation returned as a datetime.datetime object.

> observation.effective_datetime
datetime.datetime(2011, 9, 20, 21, 27, 12, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 3600))

Issued Datetime

The issued datetime of the observation returned as a datetime.datetime object.

> observation.issued_datetime
datetime.datetime(2011, 9, 20, 21, 27, 12, 215000, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 3600))


Each observation consists of multiple observation components, for example ‘Diastolic Blood Pressure’ and ‘Systolic Blood Pressure’ as part of a ‘Blood Pressure’ vital signs observation. Stored as a list of observation.ObservationComponent objects.

> component = observation.components[0]
> component.system
> component.code
> component.display
'Diastolic Blood Pressure'
> component.value
> component.unit
> component.quantity()
'76.0 mm[Hg]'